Answer any five questions (5 x 2 = 10)

1.Who is the writer of the novel Carvalho?

A:-The writer of the novel Carvalho is Poornachandra Tejaswi.

2.Who was Carvalho in the novel?

A:-Carvalho is great botanist,an entomologist of great renown.Mandanna was Carvalho's disciple.Mandanna considers him as his guru.

3.Why did the narrator go to the Moodigere Bee-keeper's Cooperative Society? Whom did he meet?

A:-The narrator went to Moodigere Bee-keeper's Cooperative Society to buy honey for seventy rupees and there het met Mandanna.

4.How much did the bottle of honey cost?

A:-It cost Rs 78.

5.Which area honey was pure according to Mandanna?

A:-According to Mandanna, honey from the Gutti area was considered pure.

II. Answer the following (any one):

1.Write a brief note on TED talks of Shalini Rajaneesh's Gender Equality.

A:-Shalini Rajaneesh's TED Talk on gender equality serves as a profound exploration of the systemic challenges and societal norms that continue to hinder women's progress. In her talk, Rajaneesh delves into the pervasive issues of gender discrimination, emphasizing the need for robust policy frameworks and societal reforms to achieve true equality. She argues that gender equality is not merely a women's issue but a societal imperative that requires collective effort from both men and women.
Rajaneesh highlights various discriminatory practices entrenched in workplaces and societal institutions that restrict women's opportunities and potential. She shares compelling anecdotes of women who have surmounted significant barriers, showcasing that change is possible with determination and the right support systems. These stories serve as both inspiration and a call to action, urging society to address and dismantle these barriers.
A key focus of Rajaneesh's talk is the importance of inclusive policies and practices that ensure equal representation and opportunities for women. She advocates for systemic changes, including better education, mentorship programs, and supportive workplace policies that accommodate the unique challenges women face. Rajaneesh emphasizes that gender equality leads to broader societal benefits, including economic growth, improved health outcomes, and more cohesive communities.
In her concluding remarks, Rajaneesh underscores the role of individuals and institutions in fostering an environment of equality and respect. She calls for a collective commitment to challenging and changing the gender biases that persist in society. Her talk is a powerful reminder that achieving gender equality is a continuous process that requires persistent effort, awareness, and advocacy.
Shalini Rajaneesh's TED Talk is a compelling and inspirational discourse that not only highlights the ongoing struggles for gender equality but also provides a roadmap for creating a more inclusive and equitable world. Her insights and recommendations offer valuable guidance for individuals, policymakers, and organizations dedicated to advancing gender equality and empowering women.

2.Write a brief note on TED talks of Satya Raghu's Green House in a Box Empowering farmers in India.

A:-Satya Raghu's TED Talk on "Green House in a Box" offers a revolutionary solution to the challenges faced by small-scale farmers in India. This innovative initiative provides affordable, efficient greenhouse technology designed specifically for smallholder farmers, enabling them to improve productivity and sustainability. The concept aims to empower farmers by offering a practical and scalable solution that addresses several key issues, including climate resilience, crop yield, and income stability.
Raghu identifies the primary challenges that small farmers encounter, such as unpredictable weather patterns, limited access to resources, and inadequate technological support. Traditional farming methods often leave farmers vulnerable to these uncertainties, resulting in inconsistent yields and financial instability. The Green House in a Box is designed to mitigate these risks by creating a controlled environment for crops, allowing for year-round cultivation and protection from extreme weather conditions.
One of the standout features of this solution is its affordability and ease of use. The greenhouse is constructed using locally available materials and incorporates simple, yet effective, technology that can be easily managed by farmers with minimal training. This ensures that the solution is accessible to a wide range of farmers, regardless of their technical expertise or financial capacity.
The impact of the Green House in a Box on farmers' lives is profound. By enabling higher and more consistent yields, farmers can achieve greater food security and improve their livelihoods. The increased productivity also opens up new market opportunities, allowing farmers to sell surplus produce and diversify their income streams. This not only enhances their economic stability but also contributes to the overall development of rural communities.
Raghu's initiative goes beyond just providing technology; it includes comprehensive support for farmers, such as training programs, technical assistance, and market access. This holistic approach ensures that farmers are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to maximize the benefits of the greenhouse technology. Additionally, the initiative fosters a sense of community among farmers, encouraging them to share experiences and best practices, thereby creating a collaborative and supportive agricultural network.
In conclusion, Satya Raghu's Green House in a Box represents a significant advancement in the efforts to empower small-scale farmers in India. By addressing critical challenges and providing a sustainable and scalable solution, this initiative has the potential to transform the agricultural landscape and improve the lives of countless farmers. Raghu's work highlights the importance of innovation, accessibility, and community support in driving meaningful change in the agricultural sector.

III. Answer the following (any one):

1.Narrate the first encounter between the narrator and Mandanna and Laxmana.

The First Encounter between the Narrator, Mandanna, and Laxmana
The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows over the small village. The air was filled with the familiar scents of the evening—freshly cut grass, earth, and the faint aroma of a simmering meal from one of the nearby homes. The quiet hum of village life was interrupted by the unexpected arrival of a stranger.
The narrator, a keen observer and meticulous chronicler of the unfolding events, was traveling through the village, his mind absorbed in the intricacies of the story he was piecing together. His curiosity about local industries led him to the Moodigere Bee-keeper's Cooperative Society. The cooperative was renowned for its high-quality honey, and the narrator hoped to learn more about its production and the people behind it.
Upon arrival, the narrator was greeted by Mandanna, an experienced beekeeper who exuded a deep passion for his craft. Mandanna’s presence was commanding yet welcoming. Dressed in simple but well-maintained attire, his white dhoti and shirt bore the marks of a life lived with purpose and dignity. His eyes, though sharp, held a warmth as he spoke about the cooperative’s work.
As the narrator introduced himself and expressed his interest in local honey, Mandanna eagerly began to explain the intricate process of honey production. His enthusiasm was palpable as he described the various stages of beekeeping and the challenges they faced. Mandanna highlighted the purity of honey from the Western Ghats, emphasizing the unique qualities that made it superior. His knowledge was detailed, revealing a deep understanding and commitment to his craft.
During their conversation, Mandanna introduced Laxmana, a key figure in the cooperative known for his expertise in honey production and quality control. Laxmana was Mandanna’s younger brother, and his more casual attire and lively demeanor contrasted with Mandanna’s composed presence. While Mandanna provided the broader context, Laxmana offered valuable insights into the cooperative’s efforts to maintain high standards and ensure the authenticity of their honey. Though more reserved, Laxmana’s expertise and attention to detail were evident as he discussed the rigorous quality checks and the cooperative’s reputation for excellence.
The interaction with Mandanna and Laxmana proved to be enlightening for the narrator. He gained a wealth of information about the beekeeping process and developed a newfound appreciation for the intricate world of honey production. The meeting marked the beginning of the narrator's deeper involvement in the local beekeeping community and their practices, setting the stage for ongoing exploration and engagement with the cooperative's activities.
This initial encounter fostered a connection between the narrator and the local community, enriching his understanding of their traditions and the significance of their work. The knowledge and insights shared by Mandanna and Laxmana not only deepened the narrator’s appreciation for beekeeping but also established a foundation for future interactions and discoveries within the cooperative.

2.The narrator plays an important role in the novel Carvalho ... Discuss.

A:-In "Carvalho" by Poornachandra Tejaswi, the narrator plays a crucial role in shaping the reader's experience and understanding of the story. The novel, renowned for its distinctive narrative style, employs the narrator in several significant ways:

1. Perspective and Voice

The narrator in "Carvalho" offers a unique perspective that deeply influences the story. Tejaswi's use of first-person or closely aligned third-person narration provides readers with an intimate view of Carvalho's thoughts and emotions. This approach allows readers to connect more deeply with Carvalho, understanding his motivations and internal conflicts.

2. Reliability and Unreliability

The narrator's reliability in "Carvalho" is often ambiguous, adding complexity to the narrative. Tejaswi crafts a narrator whose perspective can be subjective, which means that readers must navigate through Carvalho’s personal biases and emotional state. This ambiguity creates a sense of mystery and encourages readers to question the accuracy of the narrator's accounts.

3. Thematic Exploration

The narrator is essential in exploring the novel's themes, such as identity, perception, and reality. Through Carvalho’s reflections and narrative style, Tejaswi delves into these themes, using the narrator to highlight the protagonist's internal struggles and societal conflicts. The narrator’s voice underscores the thematic concerns of the novel, providing a deeper understanding of the story's underlying messages.

4. Character Development

The narrator’s role is crucial in the development of Carvalho’s character. Tejaswi uses the narrator’s perspective to reveal the protagonist’s inner thoughts and feelings, allowing for a nuanced portrayal of Carvalho. This deep dive into Carvalho’s psyche makes his character more relatable and multidimensional.

5. Influence on Plot Progression

The narration significantly impacts the plot’s progression. Tejaswi’s choice of narrative focus and style influences how events are presented and perceived. The narrator’s emphasis on certain aspects of the story shapes the unfolding of the plot and highlights key moments, guiding readers through the narrative.

6. Emotional Engagement

Tejaswi’s narrative style plays a vital role in eliciting emotional responses from readers. Carvalho’s internal monologue and personal reflections create an emotional resonance, enhancing the reader's engagement with the story. The narrator’s emotional state and narrative tone contribute to the overall impact of pivotal moments in the novel.

7. Symbolism and Metaphor

In "Carvalho," the narrator may also serve as a symbol or metaphor for broader themes. Tejaswi uses the narrative voice to reflect larger societal or philosophical issues, adding depth to the novel's thematic concerns. The narrator’s perspective can symbolize contemporary struggles or existential questions, enriching the novel’s exploration of these themes.


In "Carvalho," Poornachandra Tejaswi's narrator is a pivotal element that shapes the reader's experience. The narrative perspective, reliability, thematic exploration, and emotional engagement all contribute to the novel's complexity and depth. Through the narrator, Tejaswi provides a rich and multifaceted view of Carvalho and the story, making the narrator an essential component of the novel’s success.




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